By Carolina Lenzo In honor of Women’s History Month, LifeWay Network would like to recognize a few of the many women who have made a difference in the fight against…
LifeWay Network News
#ShedLightHT 2021 Employment Readiness with LifeWay’s Dress for Success Closet
As LifeWay continues to Shed Light on Trafficking in 2022, we are reminded that having the “choice” to work, where to work, and to quit, is not the case in…
#ShedLightHT 2021 Campaign: The Role of Residential Aides in the Safe House
By Tori Curbelo On World Day against Trafficking in Persons, LifeWay interviewed a former resident who said that the community component stood out to her while residing at LifeWay: “Many…
Schools Can Help Prevent Human Trafficking: By Taking Action Now
It’s Fall again and school is in full swing, and unfortunately so are the human traffickers that target young adults. According to the Human Trafficking Hotline’s 2019 data, it is…
Takeaways from the 2021 US Department of State TIP Report
The US TIP (Trafficking in Persons) Report is released annually by the US Department of State. The report covers human trafficking occurring around the globe and also ranks countries on…
Recovery through Horticulture Therapy at LifeWay Network
by Sabrina Zottoli, LifeWay Social Worker There are many benefits of horticultural therapy, either on its own or combined with something like CBD, providing that CBD oil law permits this.…
World Day against Trafficking in Persons: Interview with former LifeWay Resident
This interview with a former resident was held in honor of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons. This conversation was conducted and translated by Dayana Eugene, a host community…
Reflections on the Pandemic’s Impact on Human Trafficking and LifeWay Network’s Programs
At the onset of the pandemic, LifeWay was approached by concerned individuals who wanted to learn more about what staff was seeing on the ground. I offered thoughts on virtual…
Forced and Child Marriage In the United States: Why it matters to anti-trafficking advocates
Reflect back on your life as an adolescent. Perhaps memories flood your mind-the good, the bad, and everywhere in between. These memories for you may include trips to the park,…
Spotlight on Social Work: Interview with LifeWay’s Social Worker, Sabrina Zottoli
March is Social Work Awareness Month! During this time, we celebrate the field of social work and recognize those who do this important work. LifeWay is proud to have an…