
LifeWay Network seeks to increase awareness of and engagement around the topic of human trafficking through our Education Program. We offer education about labor trafficking, organ trafficking and sex trafficking to the general public, including these resources below.

LifeWay Network Human Trafficking Activity Guide Student Clubs

LifeWay Network Student Club Activity Guide
If you are or know someone who is a dynamic and caring young person, check out LifeWay’s Student Club Activity Guide. There are myriad ways that youth — and adults — can make a difference, alone or as a group, in the fight against human trafficking. Because there’s never a wrong age to change the world for good.

Internet Safety and Human Trafficking Simulation

The internet is an inescapable part of work and education; at the same time, it’s one of traffickers’ strongest tools. LifeWay’s Internet Safety and Human Trafficking Simulation is an important interactive exercise that will help you learn to spot sex and labor trafficking attempts online and provide practical guidance on how to handle suspected instances as well as protect yourself and your loved ones.

Human Trafficking Red Flags Downloadable

Can you spot the signs of human trafficking? This downloadable identifies some of the most common situations tied to labor and sex trafficking. Learn more and take action.

Human Trafficking Who What Where Downloadable

This heinous, exploitative and life-disrupting crime often happens closer to home than we realize. This downloadable offers a broad overview of the people affected and ways it happens.

Lunch & Learn: Everybody Needs a Sense of Home

What happens next when a woman exits her trafficking situation? LifeWay hosted a virtual presentation in which we shared the many ways that the safe housing program supports survivors to “rebuild their lives, reclaim their lives and reframe their experience of exploitation” through healing, life skills, community building and economic empowerment.

Lunch & Learn: Humanitarian Emergencies & Human Trafficking

How do disasters impact human trafficking? As more disasters occur in the future, what are the implications? This video highlights Education and Advocacy Director Tori Curbelo’s research published in the Journal of Modern Slavery, “Exploring the Relationship Between Humanitarian Emergencies and Human Trafficking: A Narrative Review.”

What Makes LifeWay Unique

Are you curious about how LifeWay Network supports women survivors of human trafficking? See this one-page downloadable for details.

Meeting the Service Needs of Human Trafficking Survivors in the New York City Metropolitan Area: Assessment and Recommendations

LifeWay Network, in partnership with LifeWay’s founder, Sister Joan Dawber, and the Department of Sociology at Hofstra University conducted a survey of area private-service providers along with in-depth interviews with representatives from funding and coordinating agencies, service providers, and law enforcement agencies. The study aims to shed light on a variety of issues associated with trafficking; in particular the need for and availability of social services, as well as to ascertain challenges in identifying survivors and connecting survivors to service providers