LifeWay Network envisions a world in which human trafficking is abolished and every survivor is strong, connected and free. LifeWay Network offers education about labor trafficking, organ trafficking and sex trafficking to the general public.
Who do we train and educate?

Locally, Nationally & Internationally
Tailored programming includes:
Internet Safety: how to spot the risks of human trafficking on social media, websites, and other forms of technology
Culture, Society, and Entertainment: how exploitation, violence, and commodification of women are glamorized and normalized; how to be sensitive to derogatory language and images when we talk about human trafficking
Ethical Consumerism: how consumers can use their buying power to promote Fair Trade goods and ethical fashion
Child Welfare: how human trafficking affects children of all ages and how we can better protect them, especially in child welfare systems and foster care
Just the Facts: clarifying myths and misconceptions, including the difference between smuggling and trafficking, different types of trafficking, who the traffickers are, and who is exploited
Human Trafficking Laws: national and state laws that protect human trafficking victims, current movements and advocacy around new laws
Healthcare: how to spot medical red flags, bruises, branding of victims, coached or inconsistent stories
Law Enforcement: how to spot unnecessary security features, red flags for law enforcement to be aware of when they stop someone or pull someone over
Whether you’d like to schedule a short 10-minute info session or a half-day seminar, we will tailor every presentation to meet the needs of your audience. Click the button below to schedule an educational session with our Director of Education, Josephine Crisostomo.

Click here for information on our education program outcomes.
Want to get involved in other ways? Contact us to:
- Collaborate on conferences
- Participate in panel events
- Host alternative spring break service learning programs
- Provide keynote speeches